• Coochie bus

    'driven by volunteers'

  • The story so far...

    Coochie Progress Association is investigating an electric to-the-door bus service on the island. We know at least 40 people would use it three times a week or more if fares were low, that it would free up car spaces down the front near the jetty, and that council is supportive. It would have to be a 12-seater, big enough for busy times and small enough to drive on a car licence.


    Getting the bus going and keeping it going is complex and costly, but actually achievable with sufficient community support. Read on to find out what we're offering, how we expect to pull it off, and how you can help.
    Thank you!
  • Costs and timing

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    Setup costs

    It's all about the bus

    Buying, converting to electric and fitting out a suitable bus is the lion's share of setup costs - around $50k. There are of course insurance, registation, licensing, training and other costs to address also.


    Total setup costs: approx $65k

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    Ongoing costs

    Annual ongoing costs of operation

    The bulk of ongoing costs will go to a paid driver who can cover about 1/4 of the shifts needed (volunteers cover the rest). Finance - repaying loans and setting aside money for an eventual replacement vehicle - is also a significant ongoing cost. Insurance and operational costs need to be factored in also.


    Annual ongoing costs: approx $60k


    More than a year....

    We're counting on a swell of community support for most of this project (see next section for details), which in itself will take time. There is also 4-6 months required to land a grant, then another couple of months to obtain and fit out a vehicle.


    Somewhere in there we're also becoming an Accredited Operator and training our volunteers. Chalk up 12 months or more to get the bus to go!


    Current projected start date: October 2020.

  • Community support

    Support and staging needed to get those wheels turning

    $15k community contributions


    Our best bet of an island-owned and run bus service that can stay the course is lots of islanders putting in $3-$5 each week.


    Before the bus arrives, this is much like a regular donation. Once the bus starts, everyone contributing will get UNLIMITED RIDES.



    • voluntary: start any time, stop any time
    • no refunds unless project is canned

    Target: $15k before applying for grant

    30 volunteer drivers

    close SECOND

    We're aiming for about 3/4 of all driving to be done by volunteers. A shift is 3 hours, and we are looking especially for those who can drive a shift a week for 30+ weeks a year.


    Volunteer drivers need a good attitude and a car license, and must undergo medical and criminal history checks to obtain DA. Coochie Bus Service will provide training and cover all these costs.


    Target: 30 volunteer drivers before applying for grant

    $25k loans


    A decent 12-seat bus converted to run on electricity with wheelchair and trolley access will cost around $50k. That's likely more than we'll find in a grant, so we'll be looking for loans of up to $25 000 before obtaining and fitting out the vehicle.


    Loans will be repaid at the rate of 10% annually over 5 years once operation begins.


    Target: $25k before obtaining vehicle

    $25k grant


    The other half of funding for the vehicle may be covered by a grant. We'll need other elements of community support in place (volunteer drivers, community contributions and loans) before we go for the grant.


    The grant funding is our last major step before obtaining and fitting out the bus.


    Target: $25k before obtaining vehicle.

    $30k community contributions

    ANNUALLY, once operation begins

    To continue operating we need a majority of households supporting regularly with a $3-$5 weekly payment.

    New cards (for free rides) will be issued quarterly to continuing contributors.


    Whether you claim the free rides or not we are grateful for everyone who helps.


    Target: $30 000 annually

    $15k fares, paid driver

    ANNUALLY, once operation begins

    We project fares from day-trippers or visitors to be around $15 000 per year.

    We will also sell 10-trip tickets:
    • $10 students
    • $20 concession
    • $30 full fare

    Target: $15 000 annually